Arnesby Neighbourhood Plan Review Screened Version plus Appendices
Please see documents attached to this notice for details relating to the ongoing Arnesby Neighbourhood Plan Review.
Those documents are:
Apendix 1 Housing Needs Assessment - This details the situation of current housing within the Parish and considers the needs of the Parish for the future.
Appendix 2 Design guide and Codes - This documents sets out the current design of the existing features of the Parish and gives guidance for future developments which may be undertaken.
Appendix 3 Environmental Inventory - An inventory of the various boundaries of the Parish of Arnesby and the features within it.
Appendix 4 Local Green Spaces - A map and details of the various designated green spaces in the Parish.
Appendix 5 - Important Views - This document contains pictures and descriptions of views which are classed as important in the Parish.
Arnesby NP review pre submission version rev 4 - A version of the Neighbourhood Plan for review before final submission and approval.
Comments Template - This is a log of all comments received on the Arnesby Neighbourhood Plan Review and will be updated periodically.
Please note that the Arnesby Neighbourhood plan is not finalaised and approved at this stage so these documents should be considered as drafts for review and comment by interested parties.
For any queries or comments, please contact the Parish Council at
Posted: Thu, 15 Feb 2024